Moving a house gives you the perfect opportunity to get rid of unwanted items from your home. In the process of moving houses, you are going to go through all of your belongings which will help you determine how much they are really needed.
Moving a house gives you the perfect opportunity to get rid of unwanted items from your home. In the process of moving houses, you are going to go through all of your belongings which will help you determine how much they are really needed.
You will often find this harder than it is so the first step that you need to take is to learn where to begin. Although many people may feel overwhelmed by this idea here are couple of useful rules and tips you can use during the process to make it easy for yourself.
When moving out, you will find a huge amount of clothing that you haven’t worn for a while. Although, most of the time you will be tempted to keep it, reconsider whether you actually need it. If you find it hard to get rid of some of your clothing you can always categorise it to help you make decision. For example by splitting them into a "Necessary", "Unnecessary" and "Unsure".
This will help you to determine what you definitely want to keep and what you want to get rid of. Then you can decide on those pieces of clothing that you are unsure about. Always consider how many times you’ve used it, how expensive it was, whether it still fits you as well as the condition of the clothing when unsure whether you should get rid of it or not. Clothes take up a lot of space therefore the more unnecessary clothes you get rid of, the better.
TIP: Don’t know how to dispose your clothing? You can always give it to charity shops, cash for clothes, family/friends in need or just recycle it.
There’s nothing worse than moving your belongings to your new home just to find out that there is not enough space to accommodate or store them. Make sure you plan for this beforehand! Take the time to plan and measure the space in your new house before you move in. This will help you to determine how much space you really have and what you should take with you. It’s a bit more tricky than getting rid of your old clothes, that’s why having all of the measurements in front of you will help you to make a decision.
TIP: Consider moving your furniture to different areas of your house. Sometimes what doesn’t fit into a certain room in your house, may be perfectly fitted somewhere else.
There are certain items that are essential and you have to take it with you. By separating the essential items, you will have a better idea of the actual amount of things that you will need to take with you. By simply thinking it through, you can easily get rid of items that are not being used anymore.
There are many items that fall into the “nonessential” category. These include items that are broken, children toys/clothes that are not being used, old furniture or kitchen appliances. By getting rid of such items, you will have a lot less unnecessary things to take with you to your new house.
TIP: If possible, move as much of your essential items to your new house as it will give you a better idea of how much spare space you’ve got left.
Once you’ve established your new residence, it’s time to decide what you really need. Best way to do this, is to simply go through each room and decide what is needed in terms of furnishing and decorating. This will help you to make a list of items that are required in each room and plan ahead in terms of where you want to place them in your new property.
This will also help you to cross off the items of your long moving list as you can plan and decide what you really need/want in your new house.
TIP: Once you’ve made the list and decided on all the items that you want to take with you, you’ll also have a list of the items you want to get rid of. You can easily get rid of these by selling them on sites such as eBay or Gumtree, doing a car boot sale or giving them away to charity.
You will often find that things don’t go as well as you’ve planed. Moving away and going through all of your house takes much more than you might think. Make sure you set yourself a realistic goals so that you are able to reach them. Remember you are not going to do everything in one day.
It’s much better to spend 2-3 hours on one room/space. This will help you to plan something from the beginning to an end without getting frustrated and bored. Systematic and planned work will be much more efficient than trying to do everything at once.
TIP: Complete each task before starting a new one. You’ll find that there is much less to do once you’ve finished a task and then focus on a new one.
Once you have an idea of what you are taking with you and have done all of the necessary measuring, you should get started as early as possible. The longer you leave it, the harder it will get and you will not get away from it for sure!.
The more you know about your new space, the better decisions you can make. An early start will help you to move more smoothly and you will have less obstacles to face during your move. This will also help you with de-cluttering your house as you can establish unwanted items sooner.
TIP: It’s simple, the earlier you stat the better!
Don’t start buying any storage supplies before you sort through your house. Firstly, you need to know what you are going to take with you so that you have an idea of what you actually might need. Once you’ve organised your items, you will have a better idea how you can store them.
TIP: This will help you to avoid buying more stuff that you might not need or that may be unsuitable for your new house.
Online Tools to Assist Your Move